# Changelog

# June 27, 2024 LATEST

  • Improved isolation of Windows plays

# June 4, 2024

  • Fixed formatting for Description and Business Impact sections of PDF report
  • Added Cache-Control headers

# May 15, 2024

  • Fixed issue with slow loading and intermittent refreshes
  • Fixed incorrect search behavior on operation Run screen

# May 1, 2024

  • Updated NetSPI branding

# April 23, 2024

  • Changed "Support" menu option to link to the centralized NetSPI support portal

# April 2, 2024

  • Fixed UX issues with play selection on Run screen
  • Fixed issues with some Linux plays not executing

# March 19, 2024

  • Added a new "Platform" filter to the workspace
  • Multiple bug fixes and UX improvements

# March 5, 2024

  • Multiple bug fixes and UX improvements

# February 20, 2024

  • Added vendor comparison dashboard
  • Multiple bug fixes and UX improvements

# February 7, 2024

  • Multiple bug fixes and UX improvements

# January 23, 2024

  • Added Data Source and Detection Strategy Coverage Dashboards
  • Multiple bug fixes and UX improvements

# January 10, 2024

  • Added Vendor Coverage Dashboard
  • Multiple bug fixes and UX improvements

# December 12, 2023

  • Added additional Linux plays
  • Multiple bug fixes and UX improvements

# November 28, 2023

  • Add support for Linux agents and plays
  • Multiple bug fixes and UX improvements

# November 15, 2023

  • Added data source tracking
  • Multiple bug fixes and UX improvements

# November 2, 2023

  • Fixed issue with agent sometimes failing to load plays
  • Multiple bug fixes

# October 17, 2023

  • Added code editor for plays that require code settings
  • Multiple bug fixes

# October 3, 2023

  • Enhancements to MFA requirements
  • Improved performance on the operations list screen
  • Multiple bug fixes and UX improvements

# September 19, 2023

  • Added support to fully expand the procedure details on the workspace view
  • Changed the default chart on the workspace view to the vertical bar chart
  • Multiple bug fixes and UX improvements

# September 5, 2023

  • Added support for MFA via Authenticator App
  • Added new fields and new JSON format to the run history export
  • Multiple bug fixes and UX improvements

# August 22, 2023

  • More data added to the details tab
  • Updated the UI for the profile screen
  • Multiple bug fixes and UX improvements.

# August 8, 2023

  • Added accepted risk tracking
  • Multiple bug fixes and UX improvements.

# July 25, 2023

  • Heatmap can now filter to only show techniques with procedures
  • Change Log section added to the home page
  • NetSPI News section added to the home page
  • Multiple bug fixes and UX improvements.

# July 12, 2023

  • Mitre heatmap details pop up moved to popover on right side.
  • Remove PDF version of download graphs.
  • Rich text editor added to comment sections.
  • Ability to upload files and images to a comments.
  • UI indicates demo operation with alert on workspace and icons.
  • Multiple bug fixes and UX improvements.

# June 27, 2023

  • An additional column for tags has been added to the workspace grid csv/json export.
  • Multiple bug fixes and UX improvements.

# June 13, 2023

  • Improved agent selection user experience and styling.
  • Added an indicator to any agents that are out of date. A gold star will appear when a new version of the agent is available for download.
  • Multiple bug fixes and UX improvements.

# May 17, 2023

  • Added the "Automated" filter to the Workspace table. Users can now filter by automated or not automated procedures.
  • Added the ability to select or deselect All on tree views.
  • Multiple bug fixes and UX improvements.

# May 3, 2023

  • Remove the filter by status option on the export operation history as well as added operational status as a column in the CSV export.
  • Text updates to the downloadable PDF report.
  • Added a filter option to the Playbooks page to view by either User Created Playbooks or NetSPI Provided Playbooks.
  • Fixed responsiveness issues for small screen sizes.
  • Added the ability for users to resize cards on the Create/Edit Operation, Run tab, and Create/Edit Playbooks page.
  • Updated the order of information on the Workspace table.
  • Multiple bug fixes and UX improvements.

# April 18, 2023

  • Users can now resize the Workspace table and details pop out for better viewing.
  • Boxes within the Heatmap are now resized to provide full description without hover.
  • Filters will now be applied when users export the Workspace table as a CSV or JSON.
  • Added the ability for users to clone Playbooks.
  • Multiple bug fixes and UX improvements.

# April 4, 2023

  • Reporting at your fingertips! When reviewing an operation on the Workspace page, users can now download a PDF report containing a breakdown of the selected operation. The PDF report contains information on the users overall coverage summary, a heatmap breakdown of detective control gaps, and individual information for each procedure associated with the operation.
  • Users will now have access to NetSPI Provided Playbooks. These playbooks are curated by NetSPI and allow users to have quick access to prebuilt playbooks. Users can hide NetSPI Provided Playbooks from their view by toggling it off on the Playbook screen.
  • Fixed a bug where the back button was not navigating back to the correct page when editing an operation.
  • Fixed a bug where the Alerted Coverage Summary pie chart in the Timeline Screen was only showing percentages.
  • Multiple bug fixes and UX improvements.

# March 21, 2023

  • Performance improvements with loading operations & playbooks.
  • Users can now hide the Overall Coverage Summary and Overall Coverage Summary by Tactic charts on the Workspace.
  • Multiple bug fixes and UX improvements.

# February 20, 2023

  • Advanced Filtering is now supported in the Workspace view. Users can now filter the TTP Coverage table by Threat Actor, Tools and Malware, Tactic, Coverage, Tested Status, and Playbooks.
  • Fixed multiple bugs when scheduling an operation.
  • Updated the Jump Back In link on the Homepage to redirect to the last viewed operation.
  • User can now edit Agents directly from the Homepage without being redirected to the Agents page.
  • When clicking on an operation menu item, the last viewed operation will now be selected.
  • Users can now edit an operation from the operations grid.
  • Multiple bug fixes and UX improvements.

# February 7, 2023

  • Fixed a bug in which the Timeline Dashboard was not properly scoped.
  • Added the number of tested procedures to the Homepage for each operation.
  • Fixed a bug in which the Heatmap calculations were not being calculated correctly.
  • Operations dropdown is now toggleable at all times.
  • Added additional loading indicators and improved loading times in multiple areas of the platform.
  • Multiple bug fixes and UX improvements.

# January 23, 2023

  • Platform url updated to bas.netspi.com
  • Added Last Run column to the Workspace grid.
  • Added letter grouping to Tagging tree view.
  • Workspace now shows a count of untested vs tested procedures.
  • Workspace table now shows whether the procedure is automated or manual.
  • Untested count and statistics has been added to the Heatmap.
  • Procedures now support descriptions.
  • Multiple bug fixes and UX improvements.

# January 10, 2023

  • Rebrand and terminology improvements.
  • A new status, Untested, has been added to the platform. A user can now set the status to untested as well as view untested statistics within the platform.
  • Removed the ability to run an Operation from the Playbooks page.
  • Tags now display links to their references.
  • Multiple bug fixes.

# December 12, 2022

  • Complete redesign and overhaul of platform's UX.
  • New Homepage to streamline workflow.
  • New Workspace - Display attack path metrics, benchmark with the peer comparison chart, record activity logs and more in a single, simplified screen.
  • New Timeline Dashboard - Track and trend your security posture over time to show detective control effectiveness and simplify reporting.
  • New Heatmap Dashboard - Visualize your organizational risk with this comprehensive Mitre ATT&CK matrix of tactics, techniques, and procedures.
  • CVS & JSON Format Exporting - Export results in CSV or JSON formats to expedite remediation.